3 Devastating Effects of How Marrying the Wrong Person Can Ruin Your Life

Marrying the wrong person can have far-reaching, devastating effects on your life. So you must take the necessary precautions when you decide to marry. Besides a life lacking fulfillment and satisfaction, here are the most common effects of marrying the wrong person.

You could put off reaching your destiny or miss it altogether. Marriage is not only the coming together of two people to form a family unit but also the coming together of two destinies. Since God designed a future just for you, he knows the person who is not only perfect for you but also perfect for the destiny he has set in place for you. But by marrying the wrong person, you put your future and destiny in jeopardy.

In my book, ‘How to Receive the Mate of Your Dreams.’ I talk about someone who married a woman that God told him not to. He didn’t think it was a big deal until later in his life when he recognized the great calling God had for him. When he announced it to his wife to his dismay she wasn’t excited about it. So he endeavored to obey God in spite of his wife’s opposition. As he began his journey in fulfilling his calling, his wife set out to sabotage him. He grew frustrated with his household divided. He suffered greatly and grew more and more unhappy. But what could he do? By this time, he was married many years and had several children. When I saw him, he was devastated believing how much further he would be in his calling if he’d only waited on God to send him a wife. Please let this man’s plight convince you of the importance of marrying the right person.

Another more important reason you should choose to marry the person God has for you is the effect it is having on the person’s life God chose for you. Because you are not there, that person is being impacted too. They are likely to endure struggles and setbacks that they would have never experienced if you had been there. Remember your destinies are aligned and your absence is impacting their life as well.

And last, marrying the wrong person can impact the people you are called to serve. If you are married to the wrong person, you are likely living in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing – out of the will of God – and your choices are impacting the people you are called to serve.

If you aren’t in the place you are suppose to be in; doing what God called you to do; with the person God called you to perform it with then the people you are suppose to serve are not receiving the help they need. Now there will others doing what you should be doing, but you were designed with distinct qualities and talents and set in a certain place to reach a certain people. And those people will suffer the impact of you not being there. Now God will call someone else to do it because he wants to meet the needs of his people but you were his first choice. God made you to do something special in a way that is uniquely yours to serve a certain segment of people. And no one else would be better suited to serve them than you.

In closing, don’t take the decision of whom you marry lightly because doing so could have devastating effects. Marrying the wrong person can send you down a path that may cause you to miss your destiny, negatively impact the person God chose for you, and cause you to be unable to serve those assigned to you.

So stand strong and ask God to send you a mate. Your life, family and calling are at stake. Heeding this warning could spare you years of heart wrenching pain, deep regret and an unfulfilled life.