The Science Behind NLP

NLP is an acronym for Neuro Linguistic Programming. To understand exactly what this is let us look further into this subject. NLP explores the subjective states that are within our mind. We all have a personal road map that defines our chosen reality that can be both positive or negative. Our memories create how we react to the world around us from relationships to problem solving. It is indeed this pattern that builds our experiences each and every day as it’s the format of our behavior. The functions of the brain not only record our memories, but as well, the emotions associated with that. It can be seen like a wonderful and vast computer system that categorizes millions of thoughts and feelings all at the same time from past to present.

The fascinating thing about all of this is the neurology of the mind recognizes no difference between created responses such as dreams or fantasy and relates to our subjective states as equally valid or real. We may assert a contrast, but our nervous system still responds accordingly. The point of this is there exist a bridge between our conscious and unconscious states which we communicate through language patterns and self talk. Sometimes we can act irrational by real or imagined models that make up our framework of reality. Sometimes we can feel really good and are able to develop inner resources towards our goals. Its all within the persons model and how we deal with everything around us. What we propose is through shifting new patterns of our own mind maps we can tweak the reality we live in.

NLP is like a user manual to the brain it forms a direction or path way to achieve our desires. It also removes the clutter that can lead us to self sabotage and limitations that hold us back from enjoying life. The methods behind all of this have a great success rate when compared to years of psychotherapy that might be spent only upon identifying the reason for the problem. NLP takes some of the best elements of brief therapy, gestalt therapy and family therapy and combines it into one unique workable approach. The essence of this is to not necessarily work to identify how the problem was created but work towards a solution based outcome to change it here and now. This becomes the link to living well and finding real substance in all areas of our lives we want to excel in.

So to break this all down here NLP is workable hypothesis towards dynamic change where change is needed. Its your tool box for what ever you set your mind towards you can create it within your life. Sometimes we just might have to dig deep and ask ourselves what do we really want within our lives? Once a direction is established we have the potential to make anything we set our minds towards happen. It all starts within the self and how our thoughts shape our existence.