What Are The Benefits Of Semi Permanent Eyelash Extensions?

Eye lash extensions are hugely popular nowadays, with these now being considered almost essential for getting dressed up for a night out, or even to add a touch of glamour to the everyday. With so much choice on the market too, false eyelashes can be as subtle or as dramatic as the individual in question wants and prefers.

For those that love their eye lash extensions, there are new and cutting-edge semi permanent techniques now becoming popular.

The reason for this is that these kind of long-lasting beauty treatments have a number of advantages for those that choose to get them – and are surprisingly affordable. Here are some of the main benefits of semi permanent eye lash extensions as compared with more temporary options.

Firstly, semi permanent eye lash extensions – such as those applied by an experienced and qualified specialist beauty therapist have the bonus of being expertly fixed to your natural lashes with the use of expert techniques and products.

Many beauty therapists carrying out eye lash extensions are now using very high quality medical-grade glue to fix lashes individually, meaning that they blend in perfectly with what is already there with a glue that ensures that no irritation occurs and that everything stays in exactly the right place.

Secondly, eye lash extensions from a beauty therapist can be of much higher quality than store bought products, and for not a huge difference in price either. Many top specialists will use faux mink or luxurious silk in their treatments, leading to incredible results that cannot be matched by standard items bought in your local store.

Silk lashes are fantastic for creating a thick and full look, whereas faux mink or real mink is exceptional for a lighter look and a more natural appearance. Your beauty therapist of choice should be able to give you more detailed advice on how to achieve the look that you are aiming for.

A third advantage to semi permanent lash extensions is that they can often be easily tailored to the tastes and requirements of the individual who is undergoing the treatment. Whereas shop bought products generally come in standard sizes, lengths and thicknesses, a beauty therapist will be able to apply lashes individually to create a completely custom look.

This can make a huge difference in the final results that are achievable. Even if you are not going for a natural look and prefer something more dramatic and theatrical, getting eye lash extensions from a beauty therapist that knows specifically how to accent your unique eyes will lead to the best results.

One thing that people worry about when it comes to getting semi permanent lash extensions is that they may be significantly more costly than buying false lashes at the local beauty store and applying them themselves, yet this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Many top specialists in this kind of beauty treatment have prices starting from as little as £25 for a more natural look, rising to only around £55 for a full set of the thickest lashes and highest quality extensions available. When you consider that the results will be nothing short of spectacular and can last for weeks, the cost doesn’t seem so steep after all.

In all cases, opt for a beauty therapist that is skilled and qualified in what they do, and can show you a portfolio of work that they have already completed for their clients; this will help you find a technician who is capable of giving you the eye lash look that you want.