A Simple Test to Gauge Her Attraction Level

Have you ever called a woman and tried to set something up with her and she gave you all kinds of reasons for why she couldn’t make it? Sometimes the reasons seem legit, other times they don’t. But you just have to say “ok, no problem” and call her again some other time. Sort of sucks

I learned a little secret that I am going to share with you today about gauging her level of interest and attraction. Of course human beings are not an exact science but this seems to be pretty accurate for me so I think it’s worth sharing. I call it the Flake Test.

Okay, let’s say you call her up or you are talking to her in person and you mention a cool date idea that you would like to do with her. Now let’s say she comes up with some excuse for why she can’t make it. It may either be a real reason or something made up but there is an easy way to tell if she’s blowing you off. It’s in the things she says the moment after she gives her excuse.

If she leaves the door open for a future meet then you can safely assume she is still interested and attracted to you.

She may say something like “Well Thursday is bad for me but I am free Sunday.” or “Not Thursday but how about sometime next week?”Obviously there is a difference in that and “I can’t make it that day but thanks for the invite.” That’s a closed ended response. Move on.

Women who really like you will usually try to give you a chance to see them again or hint that they are interested in you giving it another shot. Don’t assume that just because she gave you an excuse that she is not interested. You need to look at the entire interaction. Was she touching you while you talked? Did she laugh at your stupid jokes? Did she carry the conversation when there was silence?

If you had any of these things going on in your interaction then don’t let her excuse stop you from trying again. And if she leaves the door open for a future date then you better follow up with her because she is still interested. The bottom line is this… A woman who likes you will find a way to hang out with you. Period.