How to Get Her to Chase You – Reversal Seduction Tactics You Can Use Right Now

There’s a technique I call reverse seduction that guarantees a woman’s attraction simply by flipping your social roles: she becomes the seducer and you become the target. Using this method, you will be able to create a new ‘reality’ by making her want you more than you want her.

I know it sounds ludicrous but it does happen, and not just to some men. More and more guys are reaping the rewards of this method as you read this article. Curious yet? Here are the three steps to being the guy that women chase…

How To Get Her To Chase You – Reversal Seduction Tactics You Can Use Right Now

Reverse Seduction Trick #1. Keep Her Wanting More. If you really want a girl to pursue you, don’t give in to her flirting. Leave her at a point when the discussion is heating up and you have her giggling. Women will value your conversation more if she can’t have it for too long. So, if you evade her advances when you first meet, she’ll chase you.

Reverse Seduction Trick #2. Play on her Curiosity. A woman will be curious about you if you withhold something she wants. For instance, you can tell her that you know something about her personality that she herself might not have noticed. She will try her best to extract that information out of you, so you need to stand your ground. This technique has driven more than a few women crazy. It’s a psychological trick to get her seeking your approval.

Reverse Seduction Step #3. Fractionation. Fractionation is a seduction method that utilizes a mixture of psychology and hypnosis concepts. The main point of this method is getting a woman’s attention by compelling her to listen to you and open her emotions to what you’re saying.

After 15-20 minutes, when you get her in that state of emotional dependence, anything you say to her will result in the same thing… she will fall in love with you and chase you. This controversial method has amazed and bewildered many women who claim that they just ‘can’t help’ but like the men they’ve talked to.