Your General Well-Being

Your general well-being is probably one of the most important aspects of your life. If you do not take care of yourself you will not be able to function properly or have meaningful relationships. These are essential components to one’s happiness in life. When you feel horrible and have no time for friends and family, you can feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and get sick. Part of taking care of you requires you to make sure you take the time to take of yourself first and foremost. Once you make yourself happy and healthy, you will then be able to take care of others physically and emotionally without feeling over burdened. Enjoying life is very important and there are plenty of ways to balance the time to do everything you need and would like to do.

Time For You

One of the most important things you can do is make time for you. Everyone needs a bit of me time for there own general well-being. If you are constantly doing for others and never have any time to do something nice or fun for yourself, you can become resentful or sick. It is not selfish, despite what others might say, to want to do things for you. People who say this only have their own personal needs in mind and do not care about how you feel or what you want. It is crucial that you stick up for yourself and make sure to let others know that your needs and desires are just as important as theirs and you have an obligation to you first.

Who’s Needs Come First

There are so many varying opinions on whose needs are to come first in life. While there are some circumstances where others must be placed first, you are to be the first person in your life. Children of course need us to take care of them, as do any dependants who are ill or cannot take care of themselves. Other adults and our partners are not people whose needs must come before our own. For your general well-being you must put yourself above others. Your needs are first. This allows you to stay healthy and focused, so you have extra to offer others when they do need you. If you are not well physically or mentally because you have not taken care of you, you will have no energy to help anyone else.

Balancing Act

It can be hard to balance your general well-being with that of those you love. It can be a very fragile balancing act. If you have children, it can seem that after you are done fulfilling all their needs you have very little to offer yourself, let alone your partner. It can be done. You just need to remember to only do what must be done, some things can wait or really do not need to be done right now. If you take that time and do something for you instead, you will find you have much more to give later on to others.