Bigger Profits From Your Autoresponder – Audit Your Existing Emails

This is part one in a two part series about increasing the profitability of your autoresponder emails. In today’s post we’re talking about your existing autoresponder emails. In part two we’ll cover adding more emails to your funnel.

Autoresponder emails are the messages that go out to your readers after they sign up for your list. They go out in the order that people sign up, making them the perfect vehicle to share your evergreen content. You can have autoresponder messages set up in addition to the weekly newsletter you send out for examples.

If you have a list, you already have an autoresponder in place whether you know it or not. The welcome email that your readers receive right after they sign up and confirm their subscription is the first message of your autoresponder.

Let’s assume you have some other messages in place. Now is a great time to look through them, do a little audit and see what you can do to improve things and make your autoresponder more profitable.

Are Your Links And Offers Working?

The first thing you should do is open your autoresponder dashboard and go through each email in turn. Click on the links you’re sharing and look at the offers you’re making. Make sure everything is still working and all the information is correct. If it isn’t, fix it.

Is Your Content Relevant And Helpful

While you’re reading through your messages, think about how relevant and helpful the content you’re sharing is. Things change and we get better over time. Make a note of any email that could be better.

Can You Write Something Better?

If you feel like you could write something better or share a different topic in an email that would be more helpful to your audience, make a plan to rework that email. If you have a long sequence of autoresponder messages to go through, work on one or two at a time. Keep plugging away until your existing autoresponder series is in top shape.

Can You Make A Better Offer

Don’t just look at the content. What about the offers you are making. This could be for affiliate products or your own products and services. In either case ask yourself if that’s still the best offer for your audience. If not, replace it with something better.

Test And Tweak Going Forward

Last but not least make it a point to review your autoresponder messages regularly. You want to check links to make sure they are still working every few months, and of course make sure you’re sharing informative, helpful content.

Keep your autoresponder messages in good shape and you will profit from email marketing.