Cleaning Up Cream of Corn Soup Stains on the Carpet

Carpets are really beautiful as they can instantly boost the aesthetic value of any room you place it in. It can be really useful too since it can help protect you and the members of your household from slipping on the floor and it can add warmth and comfort to your home.

But carpets are not that easy to clean and maintain. It tends to become dirty very easily and the carpet owner would have to contend with countless different cleaning problems on a regular basis. One example of a tough situation that can be really frustrating for homeowners is having cream of corn soup stains on the carpet.

Cream of corn is a favorite soup of countless people all over the world. It is really delicious and is a perfect companion on a cold or rainy night especially if you are feeling a bit under the weather. If you are dealing with cream of corn soup stains on the carpet, check out the guide below to help you out.

• The first thing that you need to do is to extract the soup spilled on the carpet. Take a clean sponge or a clean white cloth and use it to absorb the liquid on the carpet. For the solid food particles, carefully use your fingers or a spoon to get it out of the carpet fibers. Just remember not to rub or wipe the spill as this will only make it worse.

• The next step is to prepare a cleaning solution that will help get rid of the stain. Use a combination of one part dish washing liquid and four parts warm water to make an effective cleaning agent.

• Apply some of the cleaning solution that you have prepared onto the cream of corn soup stain on the carpet. Let it set for a couple of minutes and then use a clean white cloth to blot the area repeatedly. This will cause the stain to become lighter and lighter until eventually you will be able to get rid of it completely.

• Once you are done with eliminating the stain, the next step that you have to do is to rinse the area you just cleaned with some water and dry everything using some clean rags or towels.

Cleaning cream of corn soup stains on the carpet can be really frustrating but with the steps above you will surely get your carpet clean and beautiful again in no time.