How To Identify A POSITIVE Leader

Henry Ford is often credited with saying, You can think you can, or think you can’t. Either way, you’ll be correct, but, perhaps, nowhere, is this more true, than when it comes to effective, meaningful leadership! After more than four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, as well as serving, on several occasions, personally, as a leader, I have come to believe, although there are a wide variety of skills and attributes, needed for true leadership, until/ unless one behaves, consistently, and proceeds with a positive, can – do, attitude, the potential, to make a real difference, for the better, is challenged, exponentially! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, and review, using the mnemonic approach, what it means, and how to identify, a truly, POSITIVE leader.

1. Priorities; planning; perceptions: One must be willing to proceed, in an objective, open – minded, manner, and listen and observe, thoroughly and carefully, to better understand, appreciate and consider, the perceptions of those being served and represented! Positive leaders base their priorities on a combination of these, and the mission of the organization, and use quality leadership planning, to ensure the best, possible results!

2. Options; opportunities; opinions: Great leaders consider various options and alternatives, in order to be properly prepared to recognize the best opportunities, to make their service, more meaningful, relevant, and sustainable! While articulating their opinions, they do so, in a manner, which explains the possibilities, and never resort to blaming, and complaining!

3. Strengthening; sustainable systems; solutions: Shouldn’t the goals and objectives, of true leaders, be strengthening their group, and constituents? A real leader realizes he must create and introduce, not only relevant steps, but develop, and introduce, sustainable systems, focused on longer – term solutions!

4. Integrity; ideology: There’s no quality leadership without the commitment to absolute integrity, and proceeding, in a manner, focused on the core ideology, of the organization!

5. Timely; trustworthy: Others will not consistently, and thoroughly, believe in, and/ or follow a particular individual, in a position of leadership, unless they perceive, he is trustworthy! A real leader, expands his personal comfort zone, avoids band – aid, rhetoric, and takes well – considered, timely action!

6. Ideas; imagination: One needs a well – developed, and positive imagination, in order to perceive and conceive of, create, implement and articulate ideas, which others will be inspired and motivated by!

7. Vision; value; values: Inspirational leaders possess a relevant vision, which serves and represents a positive, compelling set of values, while being perceived as providing and being in sync with the value, constituents, perceive and conceive, and believe, they need and deserve!

8. Empathy; emphasis; energizes; endurance: What good is any leader, until/ unless he possesses the utmost empathy, and emphasizes, serving and representing the common good? When one does so, the result is generally energizing the stakeholders, in a positive, compelling, inspiring and motivating way! One must never give in to the temptation to take the path of least resistance, but, rather must seek the best approaches, and have the endurance, to go on, when pseudo – leaders, often, give up!

Will you be a POSITIVE leaders? Do you have what it takes, to consistently pursue this approach, rather tha taking a convenient, shortcut?