5 Super Effective Tricks to Make You Last Longer in Bed and Delay Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a very embarrassing condition, which can prevent you from enjoying your sexual life. It is the most sexual complaint among men. Over 30% of American men suffer from this condition on a regular basis according to The National Health and Social Life Survey. So do not think that there is something wrong with you if you cannot last long in bed. Millions of men experience this issue on a regular basis.

On the positive side, it is possible to completely and permanently cure premature ejaculation using natural methods. In fact, many men have already done so, including me. In this article, you are going to learn 5 small tips that can boost your sexual stamina and make you last longer in bed.

Tip 1

Urinate every time before you have sex or masturbate. Full bladder can put unwanted pressure on your abdominal area and trigger early ejaculation

Tip 2

Drinking a little bit of alcohol can make you more relaxed and reduce the sensation in the penis. This will help you last longer in bed

Tip 3

Wear a condom as it reduces the amount of stimulation you feel and delays ejaculation. Safe sex is better anyways.

Tip 4

When you feel the urge to ejaculate is about to come, take a deep breath. It will reduce the level of arousal and prolong your sexual intercourse.

Tip 5

Always be in control. If you feel like the point of no return is coming, do not hesitate to pull out. Relax. This is a good time to switch positions or go down on her.