5 Ways to Remove Brown Spots!

I have titled this article “5 Ways to Remove Brown Spots”, but let me make one thing clear. Brown spots have several other names such as, liver spots, dark spots, age spots, sun spots and freckles. They will either be flat, round in shape or brown in color.

There are a couple of causes for these spots, excessive sun exposure and the production of melanin in the body. Melanin is a pigment and is the cause of spots. But that does not mean that melanin is bad, in fact it is a good thing when your body products melanin. That is where you get the color of your hair and color of the Iris in your eyes.

5 Ways to Remove Brown Spots:

  • Exfoliation: can help you shed the dead skin cells eventually removing spots. Do not use anything to harsh, a light exfoliation cream would be ideal. Or a homemade mixture of sugar and a moisturizer of olive oil or honey. Rub on the spots to remove the dead cells and encourage new cell growth. After a couple of months you should see the difference in your skin tone.
  • Bleach: A well know bleaching agent would be a lemon. Take a lemon, cut it into wedges, and hold it on the spots for approximately 10 minutes several times a day. In time you will see the spots fade.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E oil is an antioxidant and is used to fade scars and spots. For best results use a natural form of the oil.
  • Aloe Vera: A popular plant called Aloe Vera has healing properties and is also used to heal skin sores. Use the juice or the gel several times a day on the spots to help them fade.
  • Extrapone Nutgrass: Like I said earlier, melanin is good in the body as a whole. But you need to inhibit it in the facial cells. You need a whitening cream that contains ingredients that can prevent excess production of melanin.

I know what it feels like to have brown spots on your face I have been there. I used cosmetic creams and powders to cover up the spots. But I did not went to hide them I wanted to get rid of them. I did lighten them some with the lemon but my work schedule did not allow me to continue the applications twice a day.

So I found a way to have clear glowing skin free of spots.