Seduction Techniques – The Biggest Myth About Seducing a Woman

There are many myths surrounding the topic of seducing women. If you are trying to seduce a woman and you are concerned about you appearance, as though you are not good-looking enough then I have something you need to read. This is probably the most common question I get; “Am I good -looking enough to seduce a woman.

The fear of not being not good looking enough is a common problem which troubles many men. While they secretly hope to attract that ‘hot thing’ from across the room, many guys feel like they’re not good looking enough to be attractive to her.

Some of the common problem many guys experience is a feeling of inadequacy in certain areas of their looks. For instance they think they are too big, too little, too hairy, not hairy enough, it just does not seem to matter.

The truth is while good looks can help you succeed with women, it isn’t the only factor which can affect a woman’s opinion of you. It is not even one of the really important ones.

If you understand the psychology of women, you’ll know they generally go for guys who make them feel good about themselves.

If all you do is practice your people skills, such as reading books or other articles on how to talk to people, then you will be better off than you are now. Then you can practice by being nice to other people and helping other people feel good about themselves. Its like any other skill, the more you practice the better you get at it.