3 Tips on How to Attract a Guy

How to attract men is a question many women are asking. You might believe it or not, but it is absolutely sure all women want to find out how to attract a guy. This is even the case when they are already in a relationship.

You have met that guy whom you like a lot and the last thing you want is to lose him. So how could you attract him? If you think he will approach you, you are wrong. Nowadays guys don’t approach a woman very often. There are several reasons for that, but that’s another story. So it’s up to you. Here are some great tips to attract him.

Tip 1: Have Self Confidence

A lot of women have serious doubts about their attractiveness. They don’t have a positive mindset and think that they are not pretty enough to attract guys. Get that thought out of your head. Every woman is pretty. In despite of what many women think, looks are not everything that guys look out for in women. You are beautiful & attractive and you must believe that.

Tip 2: Making the First Move

Most women just sit in the bar and wait for the guys to make their move. Maybe if you are very beautiful this will work for you, but most women are not cover models. You have to do something to get the guys attention. Things like eye contact, smiling or brushing you hair can be enough. You could even ask a question. These simple things often give results and you could well find someone answering back to your actions.

Tip 3: Ladies First!

Women are mostly shy and unsure to make the first move. They are afraid that their moves could not be appreciated by the guy and she could be rejected. There is an easy solution for this. When you are waiting for him to approach you, just ask yourself why you are not approaching him. There is a change he will not approach you, because he is also afraid to be rejected.

If you approach a guy, it will make him more confident because he knows that he will not be rejected.

These are some important point to remember when you are interested in attracting guys. Just say ‘Hello’ or a smile is all you need to attract the guy you like. Show him that you like him and he is sure to answer back positively.