Does My Ex Still Love Me? 7 Sure Shot Ways to Tell If Your Ex Still Has Strong Feelings For You!

You want to be able to tell if your ex still has feelings for you, because you want to get your ex back. If you want to pull your ex back, then it can be made way more easy and simple, when you know how your ex feels in the first place. Do not worry and wonder anymore if your ex loves you, let these signs tell you exactly how he/she feels about you….

Your ex tries to ask you out on dates- If your ex is always trying to arrange to meet you in real life, then obviously he/she is trying to make a direct approach to get you back.

Your ex compliments you always- If you find our ex complimenting your looks, your personality or anything personal still, like how you smell or what you are wearing; then definitely he/she is still attracted to you.

Your ex always talks about the relationship you had- Anyone who talks about the past still, is obviously not over it, and he/she still wants another chance to start fresh with you.

He/she gets you gifts still- There is no way that someone would go out of their way to get you gifts and things, unless he/she was really still wanting you back.

Your ex asks you personal questions still- You find your ex asking about your day, life and more personal things. This means your ex cares, and still feels he/she is a part of your life.

He/she calls you even when there isn’t much to say- Your ex wants just to hear your voice, and will try to talk to you on the phone, even when not much is going on. This is an obvious sign that your ex still has strong feelings for you.

Your ex gets jealous when you talk to other people or flirt around- Just try flirting with one of your ex’s friends, and see his/her reaction; and then you will know for sure if he/she wants you back still.