Simple Tips to Obtain an Improved Response From Your Email Communications

There are a lot of ways you communicate with your prospects and customers pre-sale emails, post-sale emails, receipts, alerts, newsletters, special offers, etc, however you can intensify the response rate with simply a handful of easy tips.

I am aware that things go way too fast these days and there is just not enough time to get everything done, but if you don’t do this you are leaving money on the table. You need to pump up your messages, give them a little oomph. Add just a couple of of these ideas into the message system you currently have and you should see a higher response rate to you offers.

Emotion sells, but emotion can be used in your other messages too. Share your feelings with them and lead them into the feelings you want them to have. “I want you to feel 100% happy about your decision to purchase the XXX product from me, because I know it was the best thing you could have done”. Now put that out to your customers rather than the standard “Thanks for your purchase”, I bet the results will be better.

Let your customer know a little about you, make things personal. I have a membership site that sends out an automatic email when it has been 15 days since they last logged in. You have no idea how many thanks for the reminder emails, and wow I didn’t know you cared emails I get back because of that.

Bear in mind an impersonal automatic email is so easy to delete, but an email from someone they think they know is much harder to ignore.

Let your new customer know how happy you are that they bought from you, give them some tips on just how they can best use what it was they just bought. If they use the item they will come back and buy from you over again.

Most important, and you would not believe how many emails I get without this, you must give the reader a call to action. Every email you send out needs a call to action to be included. This will condition your reader to do something every time they get an email from you. They will sub-consciously expect it to be there, and will follow your command. Sounds mesmerizing does it not?

Get them to click to a related article, comment on your blog, share this with a friend, post it on their Facebook page. Anything it is you want them to do, make sure you tell them. That way when you are trying to sell them something again and say click this link to see what I have to offer, they most likely will.

After you incorporate as much as you can of what you just learned, your email offers should be a bit more successful. You read how to do this, hopefully made some notes, now it is time to take action. Open up one of your auto emails and get to work, you will be pleased you did. Just remember what you have learned and keep things personal.