Wholesale Mobile Phones – How to Source

Selling mobile phones online can be incredibly lucrative. They are by far the most popular consumer electronics product, with new handset releases being mainstream news. With mobile phones being so popular then, it’s no surprise that there are a lot of people looking to make money selling them online. If you’re one of these people then you must educate yourself when it comes to sourcing wholesale mobile phones.

Below are some tips which will help you to avoid possible scams and source wholesale mobile phones in the right way

Sourcing Tips

  • Know Where to Look – This is incredibly important as it’s too easy to select where you source mobile phones from simply based on price. When it comes to mobile phones it’s not recommended that you import then from countries such as China. Whilst the prices are often low, the quality matches this. There are a lot of scams and counterfeit goods being sold in this part of the world so it’s better to buy from a reputable distributor closer to home. This makes it a lot easier to deal with any potential problems that might arise.
  • Keep Your Expectations Realistic – If you’re looking to stock high end models such as the iPhone 5s or the Galaxy S4 then you should be aware of the kind of price you can expect to pay when buying in bulk. Typically high end phones such as these will sell for between 5-10% less than retail price, depending on volume. Any less than this is simply unrealistic.
  • Always Pay Securely – This is obviously very important. When ordering online you should always pay using a secure method that will allow you to claim your money back if you do not receive your goods or they are damaged. A company that doesn’t offer a secure way of paying should be avoided at all costs.
  • Do Not Send a Deposit – Legitimate distributors will not ask you to send any money upfront unless you’re making an order.

Following these tips will help you to avoid falling victim to a scam. Always remember that when it comes to high end goods such as mobile phones, there will always be unscrupulous people out there who prey on new sellers who are uninformed. As long as you keep your expectations realistic and source from reputable distributors then there’s no reason why you cannot have success selling mobile phones online.