How to Attract Her on the Phone – Using Humor, Storytelling and Hypnosis

Once you have the phone number of a gorgeous girl, you might do a little victory dance. But hold up! You haven’t called her, so you haven’t actually bagged yourself a date just yet.

Many guys can get phone numbers, but somehow sabotage things with their lack of charm over the phone. If you wish to secure a first date to get the relationship to move ahead, particular things exist that you need to do, so she will not regret giving out her phone number.

3 Ways on How to Seduce Women over the Phone

1 – Be Funny. Making women laugh is a good way to lower her barriers. Whatever connections you established when you saw her in person – emulate it. She needs to laugh right from the beginning. If you have to make a joke out of yourself to get her to laugh, do it, but try not to go too far. Remain in the mentality of an alpha male, even during the use of this technique.

2 – Tell Stories. Make use of stories for her entertainment, hopefully those that say something about you. It would be important for her to relate to what you have to say. Monitor every reaction to find out what exactly works for her. Stop at the peak of the story and let her know that she can hear the rest at your date. Although this might be a bit annoying, she will get psyched for the upcoming date.

3 – Make Use of Fractionation. Make use of hypnotic talking tactics to build an attraction. One method is known as fractionation and can get her quickly attracted to you. After talking, she will feel emotionally attached and may not want to hang up anymore. It would be the greatest way to make sure she wants that date.